Firstly, executing criminal is not redemption. In this world, there is no important problem than death. I think that death penalty is one punishment, but don’t regard it as redemption. I talk on one example. If there is man, and he tortures your father, mother, or sweet whose death makes you eternal hollow by means of the way that it is too horrible to come up with and killed them. In this case, can you think that you get atonement from society by hanging him who visits eternal sorrow on you? Can you forgive him because he suffers from bodily pain just a few seconds? And I talk on one more examples. We conduct execution if fundamental system of the society is threatened by being killed one person. There are so many ways to anguish men, but community don’t interest in those. Why society doesn’t impose punishment on crimes which are too gentle even if criminals are executed by horrible way which conducted in the past. I think that criminals should be punished by the way that victims consent.
Secondly, death penalty won’t be restraint of the violent crime including murder. From the statistic observation for many countries around the world such as Japan and United states, there is no significant difference of incidence rate of crime between the country with death penalty and the country with no death penalty. So it won’t be restraint of crimes and all the penalties won’t have significant influence on any kind of crimes. In other words, crimes are emerged with different causes from penalty and criminal law. It often comes from the mental lack that many people possess and the inadequacy of policy and institution which restrain that lack. These influences from personal and social causes decide the criminal occurrence rates of any kind of the states, societies and times. And death penalty abolitionist have set the logic that death penalty should be abolished because this can’t restrain murder as one of the grounds for their argument. But this logic hasn’t get support as a national majority opinion and led to the realization of death penalty abolition. Criminal restraint is a problem which belongs to a criminal prevention policy and is unrelated logic from the nature of death penalty. The nature of death penalty is that it executes man and eliminates from the society as punishment. Punishments don’t have function and influence which restrain crimes. Defect of this logic comes from the points that it isn’t related to the nature of death penalty and they try to abolish it because they can’t get perfect result. And this connects to the logic of the false charge. The nature of misjudgment leads to heavy damage doesn’t relate to the degrees of penalty even death penalty, life imprisonment or imprisonment. Of course, we might increase the accuracy of arrest, charge and guilt by adjusting the institution and inspecting the management, but it doesn’t belong to the death penalty.
In conclusion, as I stated earlier, I think that capital punishment system is not useful for citizens and society. If you want to abolish the death penalty, you might need to reflect that why death penalty abolitionist can’t achieve abolition and how do you establish the logic, movement to get support from the people.
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